In this essay we are going to talk about the values of caring and patience to “Self-Reliance” by writer Ralph Waldo Emerson. To start this essay, we need the definition of the values to give context so it is easier to understand. Being caring means feeling or showing concern for or kindness to others, and being patient means bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint. Our story is about being a self-reliant person, meaning to be confident about your individuality that you don’t need other humans to define who you are. It means you are an independent person, you think for yourself and you decide what to do with your life. The two values, care and patience are not mentioned by the author in the story, but we can learn this two values thanks to self reliance which is the main objective of the author’s essay. When you get rid of people who wan to control your life, you start to care more for other people who like you for you and do not try to tell you what you can or can not do. Y...
In this essay i will talk about two values, citizenship and commitment and how they can be related to the story The Raven by writer Edgar Allan Poe. This story talks about a man’s life while in grief of a person he lost, it is not said their relationship but it is shown that it is a woman, and how it applies to a situation, where a black raven enters from his window into his study and only answers to his questions with the words Nevemore. This story shows obsession, sadness, grief, and insanity over a situation a person can not control. Im going to start with the first value, citizenship, that means the character of an individual viewed as a member of society; behavior in terms of the duties, obligations, and functions of a citizen. I think this value does not apply to this story in any way because the meaning does not match the theme or what the author is trying to teach or talk about in this story, the characters do not show any traits of citizenship but it does not deny them either ...
Colombia, officially the Republic of Colombia, is a sovereign country located in the northwestern region of South America, which is constituted as a unitary, social and democratic state of law whose form of government is presidential. It is a politically organized republic in 32 decentralized departments and the capital District of Bogotá, seat of the national government. Including Malpelo Island, Roncador Cay and Serrana Bank, the country covers an area of 1,141,748 km², making it the twenty-sixth largest country in the world and the seventh largest in the Americas. It claims as territorial sea the area up to 12 nautical miles away, 4 maintaining a border dispute with Venezuela and Nicaragua.12 13 It borders the East with Venezuela and Brazil, the South with Peru and Ecuador and the Northwest with Panama. ; in terms of maritime limits, it borders Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica, Haiti, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela in the Caribbean Sea, and with Panama, Cos...
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